HOME :  Pettigrew & Oulton  Pettigrew & Oulton Classification of Trades 1840

 Image  Trades
 1   Accountants - Bacon & Provision Merchants
 2   [cont], Bakers - Boot & Shoe Makers
 3   [cont], Brass Founders - Button Manuf. & Trimming Warehouses
 4   [cont], Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers - Carvers Gilders & Looking Glass Manuf.
 5   [cont], Chair Makers - Coach Gig & Car Makers
 6   [cont], Coach Gig & Car Proprietors & Undertakers - Coopers
 7   [cont], Cork Cutters - Engineers (Civil) & Land Sureyors
 8   [cont], Feather & Fur Dealers - Grocers
 9   [cont], Grocers
 10   [cont], Gun Smiths - Hotels & Taverns
 11   [cont], Insurance Offices - Linen Drapers
 12   [cont], Linen Hall Factors - Merchants
 13   [cont], Milliners & Dressmakers - Paper Hanging Manufact. Decorators & House Painters
 14   [cont], Papermakers & Warehouses - Professors of Languages
 15   [cont], Professors of Music - Seminaries for Young Ladies
 16   [cont], Seminaries for Young Men - Snuff & Tobacco Dealers
 17   [cont], Stained Glass Manuf. - Tailors
 18   [cont], Tanners & Skinners - Vintners
 19   [cont], Vitriol Bleaching Liquor & Powder Makers
 20   [cont], Watch & Clockmakers - Woollen Warehouses
 21   [cont], Miscellaneous

  HOME :  Pettigrew & Oulton ver 2.3 | 24th September 2015 | Image Scans, Transcripts & Processing © SWilson 2013-2015