Civil parishes in County : Fermanagh
Townlands in the Civil Parish of Drumkeeran, county of Fermanagh
| | | Townland | Acres | Barony | Poor Law Union |
Aghagrefin | 257 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Aghahannagh | 215 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Aghalaan | 116 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Aghavore | 190 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Ardore | 49 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Ardshankill | 358 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Backwood | 40 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Ballynabrannagh | 58 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Bannagh Beg | 516 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Bannagh More | 171 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Bigwood | 81 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Boolawater | 122 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Bracklin | 174 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Cahore | 158 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Camplagh | 162 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Carrickcroghery | 179 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Carrickoughter | 266 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Clonaweel | 205 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Cloncah Rock | 41 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Clonee | 219 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Clonelly | 249 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Coolaghty | 228 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Cordwood | 109 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Corlaght East | 358 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Corlaght West | 78 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Corlave | 600 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Crillan | 157 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Crimlin | 120 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Crockateggal | 34 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Cruninish Island | 27 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Cruntilly | 150 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Curraghmore | 318 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Dernacapplekeagh | 63 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Derry Beg | 83 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Derry More | 142 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Derrybrick | 87 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Derrynashesk | 108 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Derryneeve | 132 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Doochrock | 377 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Dooraa North | 239 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Dooraa South | 173 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Dromore Big | 364 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Dromore Little | 266 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumbaran | 227 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumboarty | 152 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumbrick | 179 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumbristan | 176 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumchorick | 216 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumcloona | 102 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumcrin | 193 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumcullion | 200 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumcurren | 212 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumduff | 188 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumgowna East | 182 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumgowna West | 312 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumgrenaghan | 137 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumhirk | 102 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumierna | 137 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumkeeran | 232 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drummacahan | 80 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drummoney | 255 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumnagalliagh | 349 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumnagreshial | 145 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumnavahan | 107 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumrush | 233 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Drumskinny | 289 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Edenaveagh | 105 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Edenticromman | 173 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Estea Island | 4 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Fartagh | 60 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Feddans | 285 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Firs | 34 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Formil | 494 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Glasdrumman | 130 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Glasmullagh | 186 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Glennagarran | 113 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Glenvannan | 267 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Gortacar | 213 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Gortgeran | 136 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Gortnagullion | 378 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Gortnaree | 161 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Greaghmore | 229 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Gubbakip | 64 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Gushedy Beg | 144 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Gushedy More | 273 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Hare Island | 56 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Inisclin | 403 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Keeran | 71 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Killygarry | 145 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Killynoogan | 75 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Kilmore | 94 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Knockroe | 103 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Larmore | 76 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Letterkeen | 308 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Lowery | 223 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Lugmore | 107 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Lurganboy | 64 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Lusty Beg Island | 48 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Meentullyclogh | 90 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Middletown | 57 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Monavreece | 144 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Montiaghroe | 272 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Movarran | 129 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Muckros | 252 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Mullaghmore | 157 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Mullanmeen Middle | 74 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Mullanmeen Under | 191 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Mullanmeen Upper | 122 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Mullynaval | 33 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Mweelbane | 99 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Newpark | 47 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Oghill | 196 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Oghillicartan | 121 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Pettigoe | Town | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Pollaginnive | 25 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Portinode | 298 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Procklis | 194 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Rossgole | 97 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Rotten Mountain | 354 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Rushinbane | 168 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Rushindoo | 158 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Skea | 160 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Skrinny | 105 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Springtown | 179 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Stragolan | 105 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tawnydorragh | 132 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tievaveeny | 241 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tievenavarnog | 152 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tirmacspird | 450 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tirwinny | 181 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tonwore | 290 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tubbrid | 170 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tullyhommon | 122 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tullynaloob | 125 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Tullynashammer | 241 | Lurg | Lowtherstown |
Approximate Total Area | 23,597 | acres | | 134 townlands | | | | 1 town | | | | |