HOME :  Search by Surname      Valuation of Dublin City 1830 - Search by Street

A New Valuation of Dublin 1830.

A report of the Commissioners appointed under the Act 5 Geo. IV. c. 118 1830, ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 7 February 1833.

This survey of Dublin, lists 21 parishes with around 960 streets in 340 pages and notes description of houses and their total value in each of 20 different classes ranging from those valued at over £300 to those under £5, as 1st to 20th class.

A Number of buildings are excluded from the survey - Trinity College, Bank of Ireland, Royal Exchange, Linen Hall and Kings Inn, in addition several other blocks of houses are excluded as being "in possession of his Majesty's Ordnance".

There are two main options for searches - :

1. Select a Parish on the dropdown and click the Search button, then click to select the required street to show the relevant page with the details. Entries can continue over more than one page - see the next - previous links above and below the page image to navigate.

2. Enter a street name in the search box - wildcards of * allowed, e.g. Sac*v*l* will find Sackville-court, Sackville-lane, Sackville-street (Upper) and two entries for Sackville-street (Lower) - as the street is split between two civil parishes. Click on the required street to show the valuation details.

A parish may be optionally selected in conjunction with a street name or wildcard search.

There is also an new option to search by surname - see link near the top left of the page.

To view Cover page see page 1, Parish List page 2, Summary part 1 page 3, Summary part 2 page 4, and Summary part 3 page 5.

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