Tag Archives: Census

Image Browse & Search Tools

(updated June 2024) The image browse and search tool formerly located on irelandgen.com have been transferred here to my main website – these are currently under test to confirm all are working correctly. The tools can be access at the … Continue reading

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Browse 1901-1911 Census Images

I’ve updated the Census Image browse tool using some elements of the code used for the recent BMD image tool. To use – navigate to a starting page on the Census Returns using the usual search or browse, and select … Continue reading

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Census Placename Errors

There are a number of errors relating to place-names on the 1901/1911 Census returns of Ireland, examples of the various types discovered during analysis are listed below. These should be kept in mind when searching the census by place-name. In … Continue reading

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Irish Census Updates

The National Archives have added additional census data to their website : Surviving Census fragments from the 1821,1831,1841 & 1851 returns added to the main census website here Search Forms from 1841 and 1851 census carried out proof of age … Continue reading

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Penders ‘Census’ of Ireland circa 1659 – Rathdown Barony

Barony of Rathdowne, County of Dublin Places Numbs. of People Tituladoes Names English Irish Shangannagh 74 11 63 Shankill 40 Evan Vaughan gent 7 33 Rathmichall (Rathmichael) 3 2 1 Mullenestillan 12 12 Promstowne 10 10 BallyForeish 11 6 5 … Continue reading

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