New SearchFilter Set to Year :1590+
1591Trinity College, Dublin, founded by a charter from Elizabeth, on the site of the dissolved monastery of All Hallows or All Saints, which had been given the year before by the citizens for this purpose. 
1593Trinity College opened for the instruction of students. 
1596One hundred and forty-four barrels of gunpowder, intended for Dublin Castle, blew up on the Wood-quay, and destroyed forty or fifty houses, killed between 300 and 400 inhabitants, and damaged several churches. 
1599The Earl of Essex sent with a strong force from England against O'Neill - He lands in Dublin. 
1603King James I. proclaimed in Dublin. 
1604A plague in Dublin, which lasted from October to the December following, and broke out again on each of the two succeeding years. Circuits for judges itinerant established in Connaught and Munster. 
1605Several of the aldermen and principal citizens brought before the court of Castle Chamber, and fined for nonconformity. The customs of tanistry and gavelkins abolished by a decision of the court of King's Bench. 
1606A letter found in the council-chamber Dublin Castle, imputing a treasonable conspiracy to the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnel, who thereupon quitted the kingdom, and their estates confiscated. 
1607The charter of Dublin confirmed, and several new privileges granted to the city. 
1610Chequer-lane, now Exchequer-street, opened. The population of the city and suburbs estimated at 20,000 souls. The map of the city published. 

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