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1741Tyrone House, the mansion of the Marquess of Waterford, built; it now forms part of the buildings of the National Education Institution. The Music Hall, Fishamble-street, opened for concerts. 
1744The Hospital for incurables opened in Fleet-street. 
1745St. Patrick's hospital for lunatics began to be built. The Roman Catholics permitted to assemble in public worship; this relaxation is attributed to the loss of lives occasioned by the falling of a floor in a private house, where a number of Catholics had collected to perform their devotions secretly, when several lives were lost and many persons were maimed and bruised. Dr. Jonathan Swift, dean of St. Patrick's, died, aged 78. The Lying. in Hospital opened in George's-lane by Dr. Moss. 
1746The circumference of Dublin ascertained to be seven miles arid a quarter. 
1747The Phoenix pillar erected in the Phoenix park by the Earl of Chesterfield. 
1748The south wall from Ringsend commenced, and carried out a mile and a half into the sea. A ring of bells hung in Werburgh's steeple. 
1749Charter of incorporation, and £500, granted to the Dublin Society. Spire erected on St. Patrick's steeple. Mercer's Hospital incorporated. The meeting-house of Wesleyan Methodists in Whitefriar-street founded. 
1751The building of the Lying-in Hospital in Great Britain-street commenced. 
1752The new style commenced, by rejecting eleven days from the calendar; the first of September being reckoned the 12th. 
1753The increase of houses in Dublin since 1711 found to be 4,000; which at an average of eight inhabitants to a house, gives an increase of population of 32,000. The Hospital for incurables removed to Townsend-street. St. Nicholas' Hospital, Francis street, opened. The foundation of a new bridge, on the site of Essex-bridge, laid; on which occasion the equestrian statue of George I. was taken down. 

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