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1172Henry II. holds his court in a pavilion of wickerwork, erected outside the city of Dublin, near St. Andrew's Church, where Castle Market now stands; and received the homage of several Irish kings and chieftains. Here, also, Strongbow surrenders the government of Dublin to the king, who confers it on Hugh de Lacy. 
1173Henry II. grants a charter to Dublin, with the same privileges as the city of Bristol then enjoyed, Quits Dublin, and returns to England. 
1174The Priory of Knights Templars, erected by Strongbow at Kilmainham, where the Royal Hospital now stands. 
1175The English, aided by the citizens of Dublin, defeated by Donald, king of Ossory. Roderic of Con naught ravages the country to the walls of Dublin. William Fitz Aldelm founds the abbey of St. Thomas, near Dublin. 
1177Strongbow dies, and is buried in Christ Church, where his monument now stands. Vivian, the pope's legate, holds a synod in Dublin. Miles de Cogan, governor of Dublin, makes an incursion intoConnaught, to assist Murtagh O'Connor, then at war with his father Roderic; but being met by the latter with a large force is forced to make good his retreat to Dublin, which he effects without loss. About this time Henry II appointed his younger son John, Lord of Moreton, to be lord of Ireland. 
1178William Fitz Aldelm, lord justice of Ireland, transfers the relic called Jesus' staff from Armagh to Christ Church, Dublin. 
1185Philip of Worcester, chief governor of Ireland, at the head of a body of forces from Dublin, ravages Armagh for six days, and returns to Dublin without loss. 
1188The Priory of St. John the Baptist built by Alured de Palmer, on the south side of Thomas-street. 
1190Great part of the city consumed by an accidental fire. Again, according to Camden, two years afterwards. Archbishop Comyn repairs Christ Church. St. Patrick's Cathedral built by the same archbishop, on the site of the former church of the same name, and solemnly consecrated by the Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin, and the legate O'Heaney, sent by Pope Celestine III. 
1192A synod held in Dublin by Matthew O'Heney the apostolic legate. John, lord of Ireland, grants a charter to Dublin. 

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