Street ListingTrades ListingSurname Listing
Surname Listing
Surname listing for Dublin city, from Wilson's Merchants and Traders Directory 1804, part of the Treble Almanac. Select an initial letter of the surname, and then select from the list to show details - Beta version (data test)

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D'Olier Daffron Dalrymple Dalton Daly
Dames Daniel Dann Dannelly Darby
Darcy Darley Darling Davey David
Davin Davis Davison Davock Dawson
Day Dease Deaves Debar Decluzeau
Dedrickson Delahoyde Delandre Delany Delap
Delmer Dempsey Den Dervin Derwin
Devenish Deverell Devereux Devine Devoy
De Courcey De Groot De Joncourt De Veaux Dick
Dickinson Dickson Dignan Dillon Disrael
Dix Dixon Dobson Dockery Dodd
Doherty Dolan Donaldson Donegan Donnellan
Donnelly Donohoe Donohoo Donovan Doolan
Dooley Doolittle Doran Dougherty Douglas
Dowd Dowell Dowian Dowling Downes
Downey Dowse Doyle Doyne Drake
Draper Drevar Drew Dromgoole Drought
Drury Du Four Dubois Duchene Ducros
Dudgeon Duff Duffy Dugan Duggan
Duigan Duignan Duke Dumas Dunbavin
Duncan Dunckley Dungan Dunn Dunns
Dunny Dunoger Dupre Durnin Dwen
Dwyer Dyas Dykes