Street ListingTrades ListingSurname Listing
Surname Listing
Surname listing for Dublin city, from Wilson's Merchants and Traders Directory 1804, part of the Treble Almanac. Select an initial letter of the surname, and then select from the list to show details - Beta version (data test)

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Kane Kathrens Kavanagh Kean Keane
Kearney Kearns Keary Keating Keegan
Keeling Keely Keene Kehoe Keightly
Keily Kellett Kells Kelly Kelsall
Kempston Kennedy Kenny Kenrick Kent
Keogh Keon Kernan Kerney Kerr
Kertland Kevan Keys Kidd Kiernan
Kilch Kildahl Killen Killikelly Kinahan
Kinder King Kinsela Kinsley Kirchner
Kirchoffer Kirk Kirkpatrick Kirwan Kisler
Knaggs Knight Knivet Knott Knowles
Knox Kyle